-Elizabeth CL
All for One, One for All

29 July 2012
Training on 27 July 2012
On the last week of July, which can be said to be our 1st month anniversary of taking over:))), it was the first time the Sec 1 Squad was introduced to turning drills (Yeah !) I really hope you all enjoyed your first turning drill session and learnt something new and worthwhile :D Be sure to keep on practising and also, don't get too happy after mastering those drills as there are many more difficult sessions ahead. So JIA YOUSS! For the Sec 2 Squad, if you all recall, focused mostly on revision of Hentak during the first half of the activity. Well, all I got to say about this is, please, SLOWER timing, 90 degrees and most importantly, DRESSING! Then you all moved on to learning new marching drills, like Memberi Hormat and Tukar. As for my comments, I think that you all should really master your basic marching (like synchronized hand swinging and dressing) or it will look really ugly.. Lastly, you all just enjoyed another session of wonderful physical training, nothing short of the usual :) Guys, hope you took note of my comments and work hard on correcting your mistakes; don't give up ah! :)))
-Elizabeth CL
-Elizabeth CL