All for One, One for All

All for One, One for All

16 May 2012

49th batch of CLs :D

Heyy Cadets :D I'm Rose and I'm the new Head of Publications(: The 48th batch of CLs have passed out and stepped down. And I wanna thank them for being such great and awesome CLs and we'll cherish all the times we have spent together(: Great memories(:

So now, us, the 49th batch of CLs have officially stepped up and are taking over the unit! *Claps* xD We hope to bring fun and enjoyment to all of you during every activity and hope that you all will enjoy yourselves during the times we will be spending together during NPCC(:  At the same time, we still expect all of you to be disciplined and give your best in everything you do(: We hope that we can bring out the best from every single cadet yeah(: We also hope that you guys will still give your utmost respect to all of your CLs now. So anyways, maintain a positive attitude and look forward to every activity :D

Oh yeah and some words to you all from our deputy chairperson(Operations) Yong Qing(:
"Get ready your heads and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes~ triceps, biceps, legs muscles and diaphragm for laughing xD"
(um yeah you get what he mean xD We're gonna have a whale of a time as a unit(: )

And a speech *drum rolls* from our Chairperson, Kai Zhe(:
"I hope it has been a great 2012 for everyone! I know everyone has had an emotional day during POP, we will cherish all the good memories we had with our Sec 4 CLs, right? Well, times change and it's time to move on. I hope as the Sec 3s step up, we will be able to bring fun and enthusiasm to your CCA lives, but in the midst of fun, discipline is still very important and I expect that you show your utmost respect to the current CLs. Also, this turbulent year has witnessed alot of changes, and along with the stepping up of the current CLs, we will also be having a brand new, larger CL room! I hope that all of you would be able to appreciate all these brand new facilities and materials and make everyone's NPCC life a memorable one, okay? Work hard and may the odds be in your favour. :D"

So from me, well, people do frequent this blog! :D I'll be updating it regularly(hopefully im not too busy...) with lots of posts about our weekly activities, competitions, major events etc. so do visit this blog often :D And of course, the highlights of every post would be... Pictures! *claps* xD I hope every post and picture will bring all of you fun, enjoyment and heaps of laughter from pictures of your squadmates :P

Wow this is a really long post, probably cause im too excited xD and thank you for taking 1min 15s for reading this post, I commend you for that(:

Signing off for the very first time,
Rose(: (Head of Publications)