Back with more activities(:
For the Sec1s, they revised on the drills 'Stand at Attention' and 'Stand at Ease', and were also taught on how to dress themselves as a squad(: (no no not how to wear their clothes, silly. How to arrange themselves in 3 ranks(:)
As for the Sec2s, the revised on their marching drills and saluting on the march(front). March, march, march~ They also learnt pacing drills and how to salute on the march to the left and right(:
Since NAPFA test was approaching, the Sec1s and 2s had Physical Training to train up! They did lots of stretches and got their hearts pumping real quick with jumping jacks, squats, pumpings and running~
Lastly, the Sec3 CLTs conducted their lessons for Advanced Footdrill 1, Advanced Footdrill 2 and PT within their own squad, where they get a chance to hone their leadership skills and MOI skills(: hopefully they became much more confident after conducting their lessons and be great leaders soon, maybe during our next 2D1N event? *hints*
Look forward to the next event's blogpost, which will be packed with lots of fun and exciting activites(:
-Rose CL