Behold, our Unit's most awaited annual event of the year, Unit Annual Camp 2013 ! whooo~
For this year, it was a 2D1N event, with the campfire held on the 2nd night(: At the same time, the Sec3s' Cadet Leaders' Training Camp 2013 was also held concurrently, from 15-17 March.
To kick-start the camp, our OC Unit, A/ASP(NPCC) Tan Jin Sha gave his opening speech and declared the camp, OPEN. (Of course there were no cutting of ribbons etc. but you get the idea).
Next, we headed for our dragon-boating session! Everyone had a whale of a time and got quite drenched too after attacking each other with water(:
After returning back to school, the whole unit was split into 8 groups, with each group having around the same number of sec1s, 2s and 3s. It was dinner time and what's a camp without survival cooking? They all had to cook instant noodles for themselves(:
After dinner, everyone brought their belongings into their respective bunks and had team-bonding games within their own group, so that the juniors and seniors could get to know each other better and forge new friendships with one another(:
It was time to wash up and sleep, so everyone lights out!
Waking up bright and early next morning, the whole Unit had PT together with lots of stretching and running, of course(: To replenish the lost energy, it was time to have breakfast~ Later on, it was fun and games all the way~
As the day was ending, it was time for dinner and next, the most anticipated highlight of the camp, it was time for campfire! It was organised by the Sec3s and was declared open by the lighting of the campfire by our OC Unit(: Many of our ex-CLs came for the campfire as well to visit the Unit and to get high during campfire too(: Everyone had a great time singing along to the campfire songs and got really hyped up(: The performances performed by the different groups got everyone really high too(:
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Aww... The whole camp was declared close by our OC Unit as well Even though it was rather sad that the camp has ended so fast, but I hope everyone had an enriching and fun experience during the camp, made lots of new friends and bonded with your seniors/juniors. This is the last major event organised by our 49th CL committee, and we hope every single one of you had an awesome time(:
To end off this post, I'll let the photos taken during camp to do the talking(:
Click here to view the huge array of photographs taken during unit Annual Camp 2013, and
click here to view the photos taken for the Sec3s Cadet Leaders' Training Camp 2013(:
Ta-tas for now~
-Rose CL
All for One, One for All

20 March 2013
12 March 2013
Training on 8 March 2013
Back with more activities(:
For the Sec1s, they revised on the drills 'Stand at Attention' and 'Stand at Ease', and were also taught on how to dress themselves as a squad(: (no no not how to wear their clothes, silly. How to arrange themselves in 3 ranks(:)
As for the Sec2s, the revised on their marching drills and saluting on the march(front). March, march, march~ They also learnt pacing drills and how to salute on the march to the left and right(:
Since NAPFA test was approaching, the Sec1s and 2s had Physical Training to train up! They did lots of stretches and got their hearts pumping real quick with jumping jacks, squats, pumpings and running~
Lastly, the Sec3 CLTs conducted their lessons for Advanced Footdrill 1, Advanced Footdrill 2 and PT within their own squad, where they get a chance to hone their leadership skills and MOI skills(: hopefully they became much more confident after conducting their lessons and be great leaders soon, maybe during our next 2D1N event? *hints*
Look forward to the next event's blogpost, which will be packed with lots of fun and exciting activites(:
-Rose CL
For the Sec1s, they revised on the drills 'Stand at Attention' and 'Stand at Ease', and were also taught on how to dress themselves as a squad(: (no no not how to wear their clothes, silly. How to arrange themselves in 3 ranks(:)
As for the Sec2s, the revised on their marching drills and saluting on the march(front). March, march, march~ They also learnt pacing drills and how to salute on the march to the left and right(:
Since NAPFA test was approaching, the Sec1s and 2s had Physical Training to train up! They did lots of stretches and got their hearts pumping real quick with jumping jacks, squats, pumpings and running~
Lastly, the Sec3 CLTs conducted their lessons for Advanced Footdrill 1, Advanced Footdrill 2 and PT within their own squad, where they get a chance to hone their leadership skills and MOI skills(: hopefully they became much more confident after conducting their lessons and be great leaders soon, maybe during our next 2D1N event? *hints*
Look forward to the next event's blogpost, which will be packed with lots of fun and exciting activites(:
-Rose CL
4 March 2013
Training on 1 March 2013, taken by Sec3 CLTs(:
Today is the 1st ever activity taken solely by the Sec3 CLTs(: hope this activity allowed all of you to hone your leadership skills and build up your confidence in taking the Unit(:
The Sec3s taught the Sec1s their first basic footdrills, which are sedia, senang-diri and kekenan-lurus. Learn your basics well yeah(: next, they played some bonding games with each other and they learnt campfire songs, in order to prepare them for the upcoming Unit event which will be revealed in the next few blogposts, so stay tuned(:
As for the Sec2s, they had their marching drills revision conducted by the sec3s, as well as knots and lashings revision(: Adding on to their knowledge of drills, they were also taught on how to salute on the march(:
For the Sec3s who are not taking any squads, they had their flagstaff and tent-pitching revision. Later on, it was time for them to teach campfire songs to the little juniors(:
Hope everyone had a great time being taught by your Sec3 seniors yeah(:
Laters everyone(:
-Rose CL
The Sec3s taught the Sec1s their first basic footdrills, which are sedia, senang-diri and kekenan-lurus. Learn your basics well yeah(: next, they played some bonding games with each other and they learnt campfire songs, in order to prepare them for the upcoming Unit event which will be revealed in the next few blogposts, so stay tuned(:
As for the Sec2s, they had their marching drills revision conducted by the sec3s, as well as knots and lashings revision(: Adding on to their knowledge of drills, they were also taught on how to salute on the march(:
For the Sec3s who are not taking any squads, they had their flagstaff and tent-pitching revision. Later on, it was time for them to teach campfire songs to the little juniors(:
Hope everyone had a great time being taught by your Sec3 seniors yeah(:
Laters everyone(:
-Rose CL
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