All for One, One for All

All for One, One for All

28 January 2013

Training on 25 January 2013

Hey(: Remember the Recruitment Drive I was talking about last week? This training is the last day of the Recruitment Drive, so the Sec1s will have to start choosing what CCA they would like to join. Let's hope we have many Sec1s joining us!(:
Back to the training(: Sec2s revised on their pegging skills, and how to tie bowline and tent guy loop. Do learn well, because you guys are going to need it during ATC(: *winks*
As for the Sec3s, on Wednesday, they learnt about communicating effectively and how to plan activities(: On this training, they had their first lesson plan on basic footdrills, where get to become CLs for that time and teach their squadmates. They also revised on their drills and had a lecture on planning activities safely.

To end of this post, I present a quote to all of you to keep in mind(:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston Churchill

-Rose CL