All for One, One for All

All for One, One for All

23 June 2011

Police Knowledge 2 Course

Police Knowledge 2 Course
23 June 2011

One of the most enriching courses in our NPCC lives was held today for Sec. 2 and 3s. We were taught on the various aspects of the law, which includes the many different sections of the penal code. I'm sure everyone had picked up loads of new content today, especially when it's not everyday when we can pick up more knowledge relating to the law.

Do note that tomorrow's Inter-Unit Foot Drill Competition Training is cancelled. There may not be any more trainings before the preliminary rounds.

The next training as a unit will probably start in Term 3 Week 1 / 2.

Happy holidays for the rest of the next few days, before our hectic schedules begin again!

Geng Yu
Deputy Head
Publications Department