Hello cadets!:D Many many apologies for this extremely late update.
Okay, so heres about the current perfomances of the Sec2 and Sec3 squads(:
Firstly about the sec2 squad.Good job with the drills! There is obvious improvement, keep it up :D However,some things can still be improved, like the discipline level and your attention span. Do try to not move around, or engage in private conversations with your squadmates when falling in, or when your Sir or Ma'ms/CLs address you(: As for attention span, try try try to be more attentive when your CLs are teaching your new drills or new songs. It may be boring, but do remember your CLs are having it easy too, so try to understand and appreciate their efforts by paying more attention! :D JYJYJYJYJYs! d:
Secondly, sec3 squad! Your drills are improving too! The improvement is evident, as your actions as getting swifter and there is mores solid bangs. Great! :D Your corporal test is coming so don't let your drills slacken off okay? Always put in your best effort(: Oh and hope you enjoyed the bonding games your CLs prepared for your. There is always a reason behind everything, and these games are meant for your to bond more :D Its not difficult, why not have recess together, or have outings together? The memories you share in NPCC together as one squad is unforgettable and your may even remember your squadmates when your are all grown up, so enjoy the time spent with them! d:
Finally, lets talk about PT!!!! :DD
PT may be tough, or sian, but the PTIs will try to make it more fun(in the meantime bear with it :D) PT is meant to hone every one of you into healthy and fit cadets, so there may be times your may find it a little too tough. Its a good thing though, that your seem to like the running :D Okay now this is VERY important, your really have to sing(keep the radio on) when running.The reason being, it raises your morale so it keeps you going even when your are tired. It also shows the united-ness of our unit! :D Sec2s, Im sure your sing louder, with your sec3s leading you :D JYJYs with the singing okay? Next thing, the pumpings. I must say, I am impressed with the progess! All of your are trying your best, and your are going lower and more of your are pumping correctly. GREAT!! :D I like the fact that your are enduring and that your give your best shot for everything. Keep upthe very very good job sec2s and sec3s! :D
Okay so in conclusion, its fantastic to see that your are striving on as one unit, so JYJYs all the way, and dont give up! :D remember, nothing is impossible, its just difficult, so GO ALL OUT and overcome it! :D