Reflections from the Secondary 1 squad '09
Hello unit! We're about half a month to the end of 2009.
And onward to 2010.
Here're the awaited reflections from your sec 1 squadmates:
Beverly: I have learnt much in this 1 year that i have spent in npcc. The values that i have incalcated & have learnt are immense.( Although i wouldn't describe it as a life-changing experience,cause that would be too much of an exaggeration)For example, through weekly activities like P.T, i have learnt to grasp the importance of enduring through sheer determination, never to give up easily. Through ball games we have played during p.t, i now know the significance of team spirit and working together as one,not to forget, bonding together as a squad. Being disciplined is also one of the main aspects that i have matured in, as NPCC requires high disciplinary standards(Uniform checks, drills..etc). This has also influenced my daily life, I'm no longer as nonchalant or slipshod as i was before when carrying out activites. In short, Npcc no doubt has shaped me into a more mature and knowledgeable individual.
Carmen: I had become more aware of the importance of discipline. We should all be under strict self-control and be aware of our actions, doing the right thing at the right time. The values of NP such as 'PICARDS' and 'ABC' have helped me in my life. I have learnt about importance of Punctuality, being Initiative, Committed to whatever I do, Attending all the activities(attendance), being Responsible for the things I do, Disciplined and lastly, Selflessness. And that we should be contented with what we have. Do not Argue, Bargain or Complain. Joining NP is a right thing to do. It teaches us the right value about life.
Elise: I, together with my other squadmates, have matured alot this year. We have matured (psychologicaly). Some examples are that I have learnt to be on time for activities, and do not have self-esteem issues, low self-confidence or other personality disorder traits also I learnt that we must be united as a squad. We react more maturely and we persevere. I am more responsible, have a good character and we do whatever we can just to get the job done. Also we have determination, self-discipline, and willpower. Although my squad is still not so organised, I hope that we will be more united over time.
Geng Yu: 2009 has been a year in which everyone has matured, no matter how drastic or minor, including me. NPCC has helped me to gain knowledge and experience in this where I may not find in other CCAs, and I've learnt much from it this year, ranging from drills to campcraft. PICARDS (Punctuality, Initiative, Commitment, Attitude, Responsibility, Discipline and Selflessness) has also been introduced and is used in certain aspects of weekly activities. It has helped in my development in CCHMS, both physically and mentally, whereby I feel that I've matured a certain degree, especially where I've learnt to improve my own discipline and to have a better attitude towards certain matters. Personally, I have certainly matured from the starting of the year, to the end. I believe that this would continue for the next 3 years in this secondary school, and NPCC would definitely aid me along the way.
Yu Xiang: I will not put it exactly that I have matured but I will agree that I have learned alot in NPCC. The first time we did our drills with is with the Sec 4 CLs. I remembered the time when we learned knots from them. The CLs told us that we have 3 golden rules in NPCC which is to endure, endure, and endure. I remember the time we spend our last time with the Sec 4 CLs. Sin Yong CL shared alot of "fantasies" with us. He said that it will help us alot. When the Sec 3 CLs take over the previous CLs position, I agree that they have been more strict but it helps alot.
Yu Xuan: I have finally gotten through my Secondary 1 life which was full of excitement, mostly coming from NPCC, my CCA. I have learned alot of new things from it, like campcraft, drilling and the correct attitudes. I have applied this attitudes in class, so i have no detentions for the year, nor have a compulsory meet the parents form. NPCC help me mature, I have become less playful than usual. It's activities helped me to be more disciplined too, thus I feel that I have learned alot in NPCC.
Zhi Qi: Through NPCC, i had matured quite alot and learned many good chracter traits which i believe, will help me to become a better person. For example, through the ball games we played in pt, made me realise the importance of teamwork and also taught me how to work with others. The three golden rules of NPCC-endure, endure, endure gave me strength to perservere and not give up whenever the activities are a little too tough. Some of the other values that NPCC inculcate are PICARDS(Punctuality, Initiative,Committed,Attendance,Responsible,Discipline and Selflessness) and ABC(do not Argue, Bargain,or Complain). All these values made me learned alot and also matured.
This post does not mean that it's the last entry of the year.
I will be posting more and more often. Do keep a lookout and spread the word.
Let's look forward and march head on!
All for One, One for All

8 December 2009
Secondary 2'09 Cadets' Reflections for 2009:
The appellations prior to the names are just for casual relief, contributing balance to the serious insight.
The past year in NP has made me more interested and zealous in my CCA. Not only do I take pride in my CCA, I also find it very pleasurable, which includes the activities, like Games Day, and they also give me chances to bond with my squad mates. NP has made me more resilient and disciplined, and I have learnt to endure more. NP has allowed me to recognise the importance of improving in whatever I do, whether in studies or activities, because I have learnt the significance of having a good performance in my CCA along with having good results.
The Wikipedia-worth Article: ZHENG RONG
Over the last few months , the NPCC has trained more than 20 cadets. Its cadets have gone on to serve the nation in many ways.
NPCC's aim of inculcating in cadets key values like discipline, integrity and civic consciousness has stood the test of time. These values remain as relevant today when Singapore has undergone so much change, as they were decades ago.
The NPCC Vision is to "mould the builders of a safe and secure home." This captures what NPCC seeks to do ? mould its cadets and prepare them to play a part in keeping Singapore safe and secure. It is therefore no surprise that through the years, many NPCC cadets have gone on to join the Police Force as regular police officers.
The NPCC is as much a part of the Home Team as it is part of the Singapore Police Force. We all share the vision of making Singapore a safe and secure best home. The NPCC has been one of the Home Team's key links to reaching out to our youth in secondary schools.
Two challenges to the NPCC .The first challenge is to work towards realising the NPCC vision. The NPCC's vision was crafted last year. The process involved all NPCC officers and cadets. The next step is to ensure that NPCC's programmes help realise this vision. Your officers and cadets should not only internalise this vision, but also know how they can contribute towards it.
The second challenge is to remain relevant and responsive to changing times. The NPCC has to look into new ways of training the cadets and moulding their character. Our education system has undergone tremendous changes to stay ahead of the times. Today, there is much emphasis on education beyond the classroom, for example, through learning journeys, creative thinking and information technology. The NPCC should similarly look for creative ways to contribute to the education and character development of its cadets. This is all the more important with the increasing importance placed on extra curricular activities in schools. Students today have a wide variety of CCAs to choose from. They are discerning and in some ways more demanding. The NPCC has to strive hard to maintain its position as a premier uniformed youth organisation in schools. The NPCC has been expanding in secondary schools. Four new NPCC units were formed this year. However, maintaining its premier position does not depend solely on expanding and forming new units. The NPCC has to build on this premier position and continually look for ways to add value to its members. That will be the way to attract more students to join the Corps and remain loyal to it.
In conclusion, I note with appreciation that the NPCC has done much for Singapore through its work with the students.
Thank you.
The Thankful: LIM ZHENG HUI
In the last 12 months, Npcc had trained more than 10 cadets by the greatest 3, Yong Xiang, Xin Yi last but not least Jeanette CL .
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the CLs especially Yong Xiang CL. He is very kind and very funny. His jokes are very humorous, which tickled our intellect and senses. His jokes are usually accompanied by his stream of unbearable laughter since they were so funny. I feel he is also very kind.
Secondly , I would like to thank the CL who taught us everything, Xinyi CL. But all the CLs are not really very bad, but they are not as good as her. She is a professional who is very good in professing her professionalism with profession which is but not other than drilling.
Thirdly , I would like to thank Jeanette CL for training the squad in terms of Physical training. As a matter of fact, you are one of the best Cls.
The Retrospective:TAN YEN LING
In Secondary 1, when I enrolled in Chung Cheng, 1 Courage, we were brought around the school and introduced to the various CCAs. We were then given handouts, of which one of them was about NPCC. It piqued my interest so I went for the orientation and without hesitation, listed NPCC as my top choice. And I never did regret that choice. Though sometimes the trainings were arduous and the CLs and CIs may be very strict, I definitely have benefited one way or another. One main improvement, is most probably my endurance level, after been through 2 years of our annual NPCC camp and the Adventure Training Camp at the NPCC campsite Camp Resilience in Pulau Ubin. With my squad and the unit, we have been through the endurance pt this year, which was really tedious. But we did it, we achieved it through our determination and perseverance. I also improved in teamwork. Through our camps, we have worked in groups and tackled several tasks. I guess I work better in a team now, especially with such experience! In ATC, we were in groups and had to work with people we do not know and in the end we weaved such intricate friendships through the 3 days together! NPCC also enables us to improve our self disciplined, since it is strict, we eventually become more self disciplined, for example to prevent always getting pumped a lot. In conclusion, through these eventful camps and activities I’ve been through for the past 2 years, I believe I have gained a lot and I must really thank NPCC, for taking my life to greater heights!
The Learned: LIM XIN HUI
During the time in npcc, my squad mates and I had sure spent a lot of time together. No matter was it the drilling session, physical training or just plain games day, we always work together and made sure that our drills and discipline were up to standard. We also learnt more drills to prepare us for our corporal test and the more time we spent together, the more we got to know each other and thus our teamwork have improved, like the efficiency of falling in quickly, arranging our things neatly and quickly and also to co-ordinate our drills properly. We frequently made sure that we were all feeling well and made sure that no one was left behind as we moved form on place to another. Although the drilling session before the corporal test was tough and tiresome, I felt that it was worth it and good for us too because we would all be trying our best to pass in the test and will strive for excellence, making sure that we know all the commands for the drills and the execution of each specific drill. It also instills discipline in us so that we would not fidget during the test and will also try to make sure that we were confident of ourselves. Overall, the past year and further made me more disciplined and knowledgeable, especially the camps whereby I was away from home.
The Learned: TAN QIAO WEN
On the cover, NP appears to be a boring CCA but after joining it for two years, I was proved to be wrong. Throughout these two years, I have made new friends, strengthen bonds with my squad mates, become tougher and learnt how to socialize with people. Also I have learnt survival skills like tent pitching, orientation, survival cooking which is highly beneficial if we get lost in the wild. As the saying goes, “One for all, all for one.” I have not lust learnt what responsibility, discipline and teamwork is but put them to use during the activities.
I feel that NPCC is a very fun and enriching CCA to be in. It serves a purpose more than just regular CCAs offers. It allows us to learn new things and do activities others have not and maybe may not do at all. I feel that it also trains us both physically and mentally , thus we get the best of both. Through NPCC , i learnt self-discipline, responsibility and teamwork. Most importantly, i made many friends including people from other schools through NPCC. Although sometimes there will be rough patches in our journey , but we will bear the fruit of our success when we finish 4 years of being in NPCC , in a way making us different from others .
Over the past 1 year in NPCC, I am confident to say I have gained much out of it. Firstly, and the most important value that is supposed to be instilled in every NPCC cadet, is discipline. Over countless trainings, we have been trained proper sitting posture, not to fidget while falling in, and many more. All of these have instilled a sense of discipline in us. Furthermore, we also had a first-hand taste at endurance. Not long ago, we were made to endure in pumping positions for 10mins, and were made to not stick our butts up in the air, which required a lot of endurance on our part, for we were not used to it. Lastly, we also had a chance at leadership. During 1 activity, while the CLs were having their sergeant test, the sec2 squad had to teach the sec1 squad about lashings. It sure was a fun activity, being given a chance to teach them.
The Learned: KOO JUN YUAN
During this year, I have learnt many things. I have learnt leadership skills when we taught the sec 1s knots and lashings. I also have learnt what it means to be a senior. We have to show good behaviour and actions to our juniors so that they will not learn the bad things from us. I feel that discipline and endurance is a very important. It will affect our image as a unit if people see us not being serious during drilling etc. Endurance is what we all have to build up during our activities. If we just buckle and fall out at every single uneasiness, people will find that our unit is weak. Therefore I feel that discipline, endurance and leadership is what I have learnt during this whole year of sec 2.
The Learned: SIM JUN HUI
For the past one year in NPCC, I have learnt quite a few values. During drilling sessions, self-discipline and teamwork are reinforced. Self-discipline means adhering to rules and regulations. Cadets will immediately act upon hearing commands. Teamwork means working together with your group members. Individual effort does not bring survival or victory for an individual. An individual needs to learn team work and the value of unified and cooperative action.
During my participation in the annual NPCC Service Day, I learnt about commitment in our common fight against crime. The purpose of the Service Day is to contribute to the community by spreading anti-crime messages to help keep our schools and neighbourhoods safe.
I had a fruitful year in NPCC.
Through this year, I’ve learnt quite a number of things through NP.
First of all, with no doubt, many drills. The CLs had spent times to teach us the drills which were required in our promotion tests later on. They were also patient throughout the session and corrected us when we made mistakes.
Secondly, discipline. I and my squad mates are often late during activity. The CLs had downed us a lot time due to this already. I felt that we need more discipline during activity.
Thirdly, attitude. I’ve learnt to control my feelings and will not get angry over things easily.
This is all because of NP.
The Pwned Vocabulary: LEE HUI YING
To begin with, I have felt strongly for NP ever since I joined it. I feel that to attend the activities organised is a priority over casual matters. I wish for myself and my squad to be able to excel within the unit. Over the past year, we have gone through many different experiences together. As a Secondary 2 cadet and lance corporal, expectations of us have visibly and obviously become higher. With juniors, it is often accentuated on the fact that we are not to disgrace ourselves and NPCC in front of them. Also, we are often used as examples for them. Their eyes and our performances are often excuses for their own drills. As a result, the new pressure drives us to take our drills to a higher level than before.
Another new experience is the sudden addition of two new squad mates. That has opened our eyes to our attendance. These two squad mates, because of reasons unfathomable, have failed to attend activities consistently. We are aware of the glory and importance of clinching a UOPA Gold award for attendance, and the frequent absence of our new squad mates has definitely impacted us. Many of us have become aware of the string of absences and lack of valid reasons that have appeared in our squad attendance. Also, we are constantly reminded by our Cadet Leaders. It is my own personal opinion that from now on, we should put more effort into persuading our squad mates, by hook or by crook, to come for activities and to perk up our interest for NPCC activities, looking forward to them every week.
One experience that stands out is the change in our Cadet Leaders and the stricter enforcement of perfection in our squad. The change in our squad-taking Cadet Leaders has had visibly different impacts on us. As our Cadet Leaders change, so do the level of enforcement in our squad. The punishments become tougher, and are given for things that either went unpunished or were absent during the time of the previous batch of Cadet Leaders. This has obvious effects on many of our feelings for NPCC.
Overall, I go on to say that for NPCC, I have learned a lot that is taught in vain during school classes and have developed a passion that I am sure many of my squad mates feel as well. I feel that being in NPCC is something all cadets should be proud of.
The Learned: HAN HUI PING
Having been in NPCC for 2 years, it has really changed me. NPCC has developed in us the qualities of self-reliance, resilience and good character. In every weekly friday activities, we have an hour of physical training which helps to build our stamina. Npcc sets out to fulfil its many roles and functions by providing training to us to develop us physically and mentally, develops a sense of responsibility in us and qualities of leadership and also inculcate the values of loyalty and responsibilty in us!
The Foresighted: FLORENCE YAP
In this year, our squad and I had gone through camps and courses together. This year is the year where we're no longer the most junior squad. I had learnt that as seniors, good attitude and discipline must always be shown, so that our juniors would follow. Not saying that if we're juniors, we do not need to portray good attitude and discipline. Good attitude and discipline is a must as this would let others know that our unit is a serious and disciplined unit. However, we should know when to have fun too! Through the annual camp and ATC, I had learnt that teamwork is very important. Lacking of teamwork would also means not being able to complete task given for the group. As this year is also our streaming year, our squad did not have that much time like we had last year to bond. Therefore, I hope that next year, before we take over, we would be able to have more time to bond as a squad, not just during the activity. Bonding is very important to make a united squad. I hope that we would be able to influence our juniors to become more bonded and united. Leadership skills is also very important to be good and potential leaders. During the school's open house this year, we were asked to teach the sec1s on tent-pitching. However, I think that we did not do a good job in teaching them and that was why they could not answer the questions that the CLs had proposed to them. This year is coming to an end. I hope that next year, would be a better year for our squad.
The Retrospective: CALVIN TAN
In the last 11 months, Npcc had trained 20 cadets in terms of physical training, uniform training and classroom lessons
Physical training involves games and a series of exercise meant to build up the endurance, ability to bear with the urge to fall out and to train cadets who have been slacking at home, sitting on the sofa watching TV or playing computer games. This training session is meant to build up the cadet's physical fitness standard, with activities like running, push ups, situps, pull ups and resistance activities. All these activities push the cadets to try their very best to complete the task at hand, ignoring the pain and difficulty involved. Physical training sessions also aim to build up the cadets teamwork and camaraderie, with rules such as 'Leave no man behind, run as a squad' and 'One for all, all for one' constantly emphasized on during running sessions and having the ¡®radio turned on¡¯ for the noble purpose of the cadet leaders who watched the cadets with a pleased grin on their face with satisfaction, while the cadets are enduring the intense pain and the exhaustion which made some of the ¡®not-so-strong¡¯ cadets fall out.
Uniform training involves a series of drills .This training session takes place in full uniform and consists of drills . Beforehand, a Uniform Inspection would have been carried out to ensure that the cadets' uniforms are in tip-top condition. After the Opening Parade, the unit breaks up into their respective academic levels, each level taken by a CL. A Drill session follows, to train the cadets' discipline and alertness in responding to the commands. Drills taught vary greatly, from basic foot drills to baton drills. They are very precise and usually it would be very humorous if anyone made any mistake, as it would tickle everyone intellect and sense making them cannot help but to express themselves in a stream of uncontrollable laughter.
Classroom lessons involve the teacher in charge of NPCC giving lecture like our usual lessons. It is usually fun and it would be funny to see anyone falling asleep during the lecture since they are normally meaningful and interesting unlike our lesson which are boring and dull.
Lastly , I would like to thank the CL who taught us everything, especially Xinyi CL. But all the CL are not really very bad, but they are not as good as her. She is a professional who is very good in professing her professionalism with profession.
The Retrospective: BRIAN LEE
This year was a short year in npcc. As due to the h1n1 virus it was a short one. I felt that this year I did not do a good job in my drills and it was a rush to learn them before the corporal test. I have learnt how to squad take as well as the hurricane lamp this year both of which were tested. I felt that I did not really do well in the test because I did not have enough time to perfect my drills as this was a very short year and most of our practices were cut short.
The Blogger: DANIEL FOO
Guys, I thought our unit has gone quite a long way this year. Honestly I think every single one of us can do so much better. Sec 2s, you guys are going to take over the entire unit in April. Are you ready? If not, when will you be ready? Are you even ready to begin your CL Training Course? There is an impending deadline that will dissolve if not met soon. Your CLs are investing in you and I'm sure you wouldn't want to let them down. So keep on striving yeah! Sec 1s, you guys've been great and the CLs see so much potential in you guys. However, there is so much more that can be improved in terms of attendance. Keep asking them to come for activities and never give up alright? Our unit is already progressing into 2010 and this is the best time to grab hold of the season and excel in what we do best. As NPCC.
The appellations prior to the names are just for casual relief, contributing balance to the serious insight.
The past year in NP has made me more interested and zealous in my CCA. Not only do I take pride in my CCA, I also find it very pleasurable, which includes the activities, like Games Day, and they also give me chances to bond with my squad mates. NP has made me more resilient and disciplined, and I have learnt to endure more. NP has allowed me to recognise the importance of improving in whatever I do, whether in studies or activities, because I have learnt the significance of having a good performance in my CCA along with having good results.
The Wikipedia-worth Article: ZHENG RONG
Over the last few months , the NPCC has trained more than 20 cadets. Its cadets have gone on to serve the nation in many ways.
NPCC's aim of inculcating in cadets key values like discipline, integrity and civic consciousness has stood the test of time. These values remain as relevant today when Singapore has undergone so much change, as they were decades ago.
The NPCC Vision is to "mould the builders of a safe and secure home." This captures what NPCC seeks to do ? mould its cadets and prepare them to play a part in keeping Singapore safe and secure. It is therefore no surprise that through the years, many NPCC cadets have gone on to join the Police Force as regular police officers.
The NPCC is as much a part of the Home Team as it is part of the Singapore Police Force. We all share the vision of making Singapore a safe and secure best home. The NPCC has been one of the Home Team's key links to reaching out to our youth in secondary schools.
Two challenges to the NPCC .The first challenge is to work towards realising the NPCC vision. The NPCC's vision was crafted last year. The process involved all NPCC officers and cadets. The next step is to ensure that NPCC's programmes help realise this vision. Your officers and cadets should not only internalise this vision, but also know how they can contribute towards it.
The second challenge is to remain relevant and responsive to changing times. The NPCC has to look into new ways of training the cadets and moulding their character. Our education system has undergone tremendous changes to stay ahead of the times. Today, there is much emphasis on education beyond the classroom, for example, through learning journeys, creative thinking and information technology. The NPCC should similarly look for creative ways to contribute to the education and character development of its cadets. This is all the more important with the increasing importance placed on extra curricular activities in schools. Students today have a wide variety of CCAs to choose from. They are discerning and in some ways more demanding. The NPCC has to strive hard to maintain its position as a premier uniformed youth organisation in schools. The NPCC has been expanding in secondary schools. Four new NPCC units were formed this year. However, maintaining its premier position does not depend solely on expanding and forming new units. The NPCC has to build on this premier position and continually look for ways to add value to its members. That will be the way to attract more students to join the Corps and remain loyal to it.
In conclusion, I note with appreciation that the NPCC has done much for Singapore through its work with the students.
Thank you.
The Thankful: LIM ZHENG HUI
In the last 12 months, Npcc had trained more than 10 cadets by the greatest 3, Yong Xiang, Xin Yi last but not least Jeanette CL .
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the CLs especially Yong Xiang CL. He is very kind and very funny. His jokes are very humorous, which tickled our intellect and senses. His jokes are usually accompanied by his stream of unbearable laughter since they were so funny. I feel he is also very kind.
Secondly , I would like to thank the CL who taught us everything, Xinyi CL. But all the CLs are not really very bad, but they are not as good as her. She is a professional who is very good in professing her professionalism with profession which is but not other than drilling.
Thirdly , I would like to thank Jeanette CL for training the squad in terms of Physical training. As a matter of fact, you are one of the best Cls.
The Retrospective:TAN YEN LING
In Secondary 1, when I enrolled in Chung Cheng, 1 Courage, we were brought around the school and introduced to the various CCAs. We were then given handouts, of which one of them was about NPCC. It piqued my interest so I went for the orientation and without hesitation, listed NPCC as my top choice. And I never did regret that choice. Though sometimes the trainings were arduous and the CLs and CIs may be very strict, I definitely have benefited one way or another. One main improvement, is most probably my endurance level, after been through 2 years of our annual NPCC camp and the Adventure Training Camp at the NPCC campsite Camp Resilience in Pulau Ubin. With my squad and the unit, we have been through the endurance pt this year, which was really tedious. But we did it, we achieved it through our determination and perseverance. I also improved in teamwork. Through our camps, we have worked in groups and tackled several tasks. I guess I work better in a team now, especially with such experience! In ATC, we were in groups and had to work with people we do not know and in the end we weaved such intricate friendships through the 3 days together! NPCC also enables us to improve our self disciplined, since it is strict, we eventually become more self disciplined, for example to prevent always getting pumped a lot. In conclusion, through these eventful camps and activities I’ve been through for the past 2 years, I believe I have gained a lot and I must really thank NPCC, for taking my life to greater heights!
The Learned: LIM XIN HUI
During the time in npcc, my squad mates and I had sure spent a lot of time together. No matter was it the drilling session, physical training or just plain games day, we always work together and made sure that our drills and discipline were up to standard. We also learnt more drills to prepare us for our corporal test and the more time we spent together, the more we got to know each other and thus our teamwork have improved, like the efficiency of falling in quickly, arranging our things neatly and quickly and also to co-ordinate our drills properly. We frequently made sure that we were all feeling well and made sure that no one was left behind as we moved form on place to another. Although the drilling session before the corporal test was tough and tiresome, I felt that it was worth it and good for us too because we would all be trying our best to pass in the test and will strive for excellence, making sure that we know all the commands for the drills and the execution of each specific drill. It also instills discipline in us so that we would not fidget during the test and will also try to make sure that we were confident of ourselves. Overall, the past year and further made me more disciplined and knowledgeable, especially the camps whereby I was away from home.
The Learned: TAN QIAO WEN
On the cover, NP appears to be a boring CCA but after joining it for two years, I was proved to be wrong. Throughout these two years, I have made new friends, strengthen bonds with my squad mates, become tougher and learnt how to socialize with people. Also I have learnt survival skills like tent pitching, orientation, survival cooking which is highly beneficial if we get lost in the wild. As the saying goes, “One for all, all for one.” I have not lust learnt what responsibility, discipline and teamwork is but put them to use during the activities.
I feel that NPCC is a very fun and enriching CCA to be in. It serves a purpose more than just regular CCAs offers. It allows us to learn new things and do activities others have not and maybe may not do at all. I feel that it also trains us both physically and mentally , thus we get the best of both. Through NPCC , i learnt self-discipline, responsibility and teamwork. Most importantly, i made many friends including people from other schools through NPCC. Although sometimes there will be rough patches in our journey , but we will bear the fruit of our success when we finish 4 years of being in NPCC , in a way making us different from others .
Over the past 1 year in NPCC, I am confident to say I have gained much out of it. Firstly, and the most important value that is supposed to be instilled in every NPCC cadet, is discipline. Over countless trainings, we have been trained proper sitting posture, not to fidget while falling in, and many more. All of these have instilled a sense of discipline in us. Furthermore, we also had a first-hand taste at endurance. Not long ago, we were made to endure in pumping positions for 10mins, and were made to not stick our butts up in the air, which required a lot of endurance on our part, for we were not used to it. Lastly, we also had a chance at leadership. During 1 activity, while the CLs were having their sergeant test, the sec2 squad had to teach the sec1 squad about lashings. It sure was a fun activity, being given a chance to teach them.
The Learned: KOO JUN YUAN
During this year, I have learnt many things. I have learnt leadership skills when we taught the sec 1s knots and lashings. I also have learnt what it means to be a senior. We have to show good behaviour and actions to our juniors so that they will not learn the bad things from us. I feel that discipline and endurance is a very important. It will affect our image as a unit if people see us not being serious during drilling etc. Endurance is what we all have to build up during our activities. If we just buckle and fall out at every single uneasiness, people will find that our unit is weak. Therefore I feel that discipline, endurance and leadership is what I have learnt during this whole year of sec 2.
The Learned: SIM JUN HUI
For the past one year in NPCC, I have learnt quite a few values. During drilling sessions, self-discipline and teamwork are reinforced. Self-discipline means adhering to rules and regulations. Cadets will immediately act upon hearing commands. Teamwork means working together with your group members. Individual effort does not bring survival or victory for an individual. An individual needs to learn team work and the value of unified and cooperative action.
During my participation in the annual NPCC Service Day, I learnt about commitment in our common fight against crime. The purpose of the Service Day is to contribute to the community by spreading anti-crime messages to help keep our schools and neighbourhoods safe.
I had a fruitful year in NPCC.
Through this year, I’ve learnt quite a number of things through NP.
First of all, with no doubt, many drills. The CLs had spent times to teach us the drills which were required in our promotion tests later on. They were also patient throughout the session and corrected us when we made mistakes.
Secondly, discipline. I and my squad mates are often late during activity. The CLs had downed us a lot time due to this already. I felt that we need more discipline during activity.
Thirdly, attitude. I’ve learnt to control my feelings and will not get angry over things easily.
This is all because of NP.
The Pwned Vocabulary: LEE HUI YING
To begin with, I have felt strongly for NP ever since I joined it. I feel that to attend the activities organised is a priority over casual matters. I wish for myself and my squad to be able to excel within the unit. Over the past year, we have gone through many different experiences together. As a Secondary 2 cadet and lance corporal, expectations of us have visibly and obviously become higher. With juniors, it is often accentuated on the fact that we are not to disgrace ourselves and NPCC in front of them. Also, we are often used as examples for them. Their eyes and our performances are often excuses for their own drills. As a result, the new pressure drives us to take our drills to a higher level than before.
Another new experience is the sudden addition of two new squad mates. That has opened our eyes to our attendance. These two squad mates, because of reasons unfathomable, have failed to attend activities consistently. We are aware of the glory and importance of clinching a UOPA Gold award for attendance, and the frequent absence of our new squad mates has definitely impacted us. Many of us have become aware of the string of absences and lack of valid reasons that have appeared in our squad attendance. Also, we are constantly reminded by our Cadet Leaders. It is my own personal opinion that from now on, we should put more effort into persuading our squad mates, by hook or by crook, to come for activities and to perk up our interest for NPCC activities, looking forward to them every week.
One experience that stands out is the change in our Cadet Leaders and the stricter enforcement of perfection in our squad. The change in our squad-taking Cadet Leaders has had visibly different impacts on us. As our Cadet Leaders change, so do the level of enforcement in our squad. The punishments become tougher, and are given for things that either went unpunished or were absent during the time of the previous batch of Cadet Leaders. This has obvious effects on many of our feelings for NPCC.
Overall, I go on to say that for NPCC, I have learned a lot that is taught in vain during school classes and have developed a passion that I am sure many of my squad mates feel as well. I feel that being in NPCC is something all cadets should be proud of.
The Learned: HAN HUI PING
Having been in NPCC for 2 years, it has really changed me. NPCC has developed in us the qualities of self-reliance, resilience and good character. In every weekly friday activities, we have an hour of physical training which helps to build our stamina. Npcc sets out to fulfil its many roles and functions by providing training to us to develop us physically and mentally, develops a sense of responsibility in us and qualities of leadership and also inculcate the values of loyalty and responsibilty in us!
The Foresighted: FLORENCE YAP
In this year, our squad and I had gone through camps and courses together. This year is the year where we're no longer the most junior squad. I had learnt that as seniors, good attitude and discipline must always be shown, so that our juniors would follow. Not saying that if we're juniors, we do not need to portray good attitude and discipline. Good attitude and discipline is a must as this would let others know that our unit is a serious and disciplined unit. However, we should know when to have fun too! Through the annual camp and ATC, I had learnt that teamwork is very important. Lacking of teamwork would also means not being able to complete task given for the group. As this year is also our streaming year, our squad did not have that much time like we had last year to bond. Therefore, I hope that next year, before we take over, we would be able to have more time to bond as a squad, not just during the activity. Bonding is very important to make a united squad. I hope that we would be able to influence our juniors to become more bonded and united. Leadership skills is also very important to be good and potential leaders. During the school's open house this year, we were asked to teach the sec1s on tent-pitching. However, I think that we did not do a good job in teaching them and that was why they could not answer the questions that the CLs had proposed to them. This year is coming to an end. I hope that next year, would be a better year for our squad.
The Retrospective: CALVIN TAN
In the last 11 months, Npcc had trained 20 cadets in terms of physical training, uniform training and classroom lessons
Physical training involves games and a series of exercise meant to build up the endurance, ability to bear with the urge to fall out and to train cadets who have been slacking at home, sitting on the sofa watching TV or playing computer games. This training session is meant to build up the cadet's physical fitness standard, with activities like running, push ups, situps, pull ups and resistance activities. All these activities push the cadets to try their very best to complete the task at hand, ignoring the pain and difficulty involved. Physical training sessions also aim to build up the cadets teamwork and camaraderie, with rules such as 'Leave no man behind, run as a squad' and 'One for all, all for one' constantly emphasized on during running sessions and having the ¡®radio turned on¡¯ for the noble purpose of the cadet leaders who watched the cadets with a pleased grin on their face with satisfaction, while the cadets are enduring the intense pain and the exhaustion which made some of the ¡®not-so-strong¡¯ cadets fall out.
Uniform training involves a series of drills .This training session takes place in full uniform and consists of drills . Beforehand, a Uniform Inspection would have been carried out to ensure that the cadets' uniforms are in tip-top condition. After the Opening Parade, the unit breaks up into their respective academic levels, each level taken by a CL. A Drill session follows, to train the cadets' discipline and alertness in responding to the commands. Drills taught vary greatly, from basic foot drills to baton drills. They are very precise and usually it would be very humorous if anyone made any mistake, as it would tickle everyone intellect and sense making them cannot help but to express themselves in a stream of uncontrollable laughter.
Classroom lessons involve the teacher in charge of NPCC giving lecture like our usual lessons. It is usually fun and it would be funny to see anyone falling asleep during the lecture since they are normally meaningful and interesting unlike our lesson which are boring and dull.
Lastly , I would like to thank the CL who taught us everything, especially Xinyi CL. But all the CL are not really very bad, but they are not as good as her. She is a professional who is very good in professing her professionalism with profession.
The Retrospective: BRIAN LEE
This year was a short year in npcc. As due to the h1n1 virus it was a short one. I felt that this year I did not do a good job in my drills and it was a rush to learn them before the corporal test. I have learnt how to squad take as well as the hurricane lamp this year both of which were tested. I felt that I did not really do well in the test because I did not have enough time to perfect my drills as this was a very short year and most of our practices were cut short.
The Blogger: DANIEL FOO
Guys, I thought our unit has gone quite a long way this year. Honestly I think every single one of us can do so much better. Sec 2s, you guys are going to take over the entire unit in April. Are you ready? If not, when will you be ready? Are you even ready to begin your CL Training Course? There is an impending deadline that will dissolve if not met soon. Your CLs are investing in you and I'm sure you wouldn't want to let them down. So keep on striving yeah! Sec 1s, you guys've been great and the CLs see so much potential in you guys. However, there is so much more that can be improved in terms of attendance. Keep asking them to come for activities and never give up alright? Our unit is already progressing into 2010 and this is the best time to grab hold of the season and excel in what we do best. As NPCC.
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