6th training for the diligent Campcraft Team! Well, I must say that I am very impressed by what I have seen from them so far: great team spirit, fantastic attitude towards training and the desire to improve as a whole team! Well done!
Everyone is up and training starts at 8am every Saturday and this has been ongoing for several weeks. Glad to say, the Team has been performing exceptionally well! They consist of:
Boys: Delvis [Captain]
To the INCREDIBLE Campcraft Team, the importance of team work has been emphasized throughout all trainings, for it is only then that the Chung Cheng High (Main) NPCC Unit would be able to attain new heights. Though the training is tough and exhausting, I am sure we will be able to overcome all the hurdles that lie before us, and cross the finishing line as ONE TEAM.
If we put in our 100% and push ourselves to our limits for all trainings, we are already CHAMPIONS! Let’s press on Team! =D
Special Messages From Your Tender-Hearted HO (Part 1):
1) Delvis, it’s time to buy a new pair of track pants!
2) Delvis (again), treat your friends nicer so that they will tell you immediately when your pants have spilt rather than one hour later!
3) Delvis (and once again), stop distracting the Team during debriefs! Like sticking things on places where they are not supposed to be found!
4) Jinxue, warm up your toes before exercises next time!
5) Mr Gloomy No 1 and No 2, smile more! Remember, your helpful HO is always there for you all! Plus, the ‘Heart-to-Heart Talk’ sessions are open for registration too! Sign up if you need to talk to me! =)
6) Xiao Hui, take note of point No 3 above!
7) Yixin, you have to control the devil within you and not laugh at others’ misfortune! Haha…
Several more ‘Special Messages From Your Tender-Hearted HO’ will continue to be published as we have more training! If you don’t understand what I am referring to, fear not! Ask the Campcraft Team and see if they are willing to share these inside jokes!
Meanwhile, I hope that I have injected much FUN and laughter and that everyone enjoys the sessions as we sweat under the hot sun and endure numerous blisters. Team, remember the MAGIC WORDS!
From Your Always Friendly and Caring HO,